a Stuart
Blanch booklist
The World Our Orphanage (1972): A review of some twentieth century novels which relates their major themes to similar concerns in the Bible.
For All Mankind (1976): An introduction to the reading of the Old Testament.
The Burning Bush: Signs of Our Times (1978): A selection of contemporary sociological features to which he related some of the Bible’s great themes.
The Trumpet in the Morning (1979): A discussion of the relevance of God’s law to human well-being, particularly in the perceived threat to freedom implicit in a lack of law, and offering the view that the professor and the politician, the biblical scholar and the judge, the moral theologian and the parish priest, need to meet each other, and might – in a necessarily limited way – do so in this book.
The Ten Commandments (1981): An attempt to understand the Decalogue both in its Old Testament setting and in contemporary culture.
Living By Faith (1983): An exploration of the nature and experience of personal faith, particularly within the sphere of his own life.
The Way of Blessedness (1985): A study of the Sermon on the Mount, and within it, of the Beatitudes. This was a transposition of Old Testament law into a New Testament understanding of grace in Christian experience.
Encounters with Jesus (1988): A study of the ways in which individual figures of the New Testament came to their own living faith as part of the foundation process of church formation.